Gold & Silver
Well, I just returned from my weekend roadtrip to Edmonton. My wife and I participated in GrandMaster D.K. Chun's 5th Memorial Taekwondo Tournament that was being held at Concordia College. Like many other TKD tournaments, you had to be very patient. But, it was a special occasion. Not only was this tournament the fifth memorial tournament, but it was also the tournaments 35th anniversary since it's inception by GrandMaster D.K. Chun in 1971! There were some pretty important VIP's there also. GrandMaster Kim Soon-Bae, president of Chang Moo Kwan, was in attendance from Korea. He was GrandMaster Chun's master instructor. And, because of his presence, many of the master's and grandmasters of the prairies came out also. Very cool to see them all together. Too bad I can't understand Korean. It would have made the GrandMaster's speech a little more interesting! Not only was GrandMaster Kim there, Master Nam was there competing. So I got to see a 7th Dan black belt fight.
So, between the four from our club that participate, we came home with seven medals. Three gold, two silver and two bronze. I got gold in sparring and silver in poomse (forms) My wife got a bronze for sparring. She had a much bigger division.

So before coming home, I decided to do something new. I got my eyebrow peirced. Doesn't hurt too much and it looks pretty cool. Here's a pic. Anywho, I'm outa here.
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