I found this crest on another website and I found it simple yet elegant. Maybe what I'm looking for...but I'm at the point that I don't know which crest is the one I should be considering and how would I even certify that it is the most acurate for my lineage? This crest depicts the Johnson motto as "
Nunquam Non Paratus" which translates to "never unprepared." Double negatives...I don't know if I like that...I prefer "
Aut Pax Aut Bellum" to "
Nunquam Non Paratus." I have also found other motto's that have been associated with the Johnson name. "
Nil admirari" which translates to "Not to Admire" - not sure what that's all about...and "
Qui vit content lient assez" which translates to "He that lives content has got enough." Maybe it's supposed to be "
Qui vit content vient assez" which would be "He that lives happy, lives enough" Maybe somebody screwed up in the typing...and content is better translated as Happy than content, no? But, the guy (or girl) who's content and got enough may be what the original crest creator wanted to say. Who knows...I am not familiar with the use "lient assez" in the French language; "lient" may be old French but I am leaning towards an error by the typist. Hmmm, French in the Johnson motto. This may be the angle I was looking for. I may be on to something here; peut-ĂȘtre; il faut continuer la recherche...
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