What a beautiful morning it is here in northern Alberta. A nice crisp 4 degrees with nothing but sunshine up above. Nothing compares to the cool clean air of the prairies...well ok...the cool clean air of the mountains is pretty damn nice too!!!
What a month March has been. Busy on all aspects. We finally got Pichou fixed so there will be no more litter's of puppies from her. I am quite happy about that. I really love puppies but we don't want any more and I there are so many dogs that are running around stray or are looking for good homes that I don't think we need to be adding in some more weird little mixed breeds...although the puppies were incredibly cute. The cutest one was unfortunetaly run over - the owners told us so when they called to see if we had any more. Even if we did, I wouldn't have given another puppy to people who can't even train their dog to stay home...
On another topic, my wife and I both promoted in Taekwondo this past weekend. She achieved her green stripe and I reached my red belt. So if I keep training hard, I will be at a black belt level by christmas. What I find interesting is that the kukkiwon (the organization that governs WTF Taekwondo (maybe even ITF)) labels black belts as advanced begginners!!! My goal would be to get my 5th degree black belt someday...the rank of master instructor...
Oh - how could I forget this...we bought ourselves a big screen TV also this month. I've been wanting one for the longest time and I've been squirling money away for over a year now. Whatever I was able to put away per month...usually 100-200 per month. So we bought ourselves a 42" Panasonic Plasma TV to go with my Nuance Surround Sound Stereo...it was almost difficult to spend that money though...a big TV is a real luxury. But, as a couple, my wife and I decided that we need to prioritize our money. Put some money away for retirement, some money away for rainy day things and some money away for our dreams...and one of my dreams was a big TV.

I decided woth the plasma screen after much debate and shopping from store to store have a good look at each TV and finding the one that I like the most. Finally, the Panasonic I saw had great resolution and nice color and the price was just about right. So we bought it.
Anywho, we watched King Kong last night and it was quite a show....very happy with my TV right now...