If only I had the answers...
But first I need a good question!
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Here we find ourselves again, the holiday season creeping upon us. It is a time where Christians of countless denominations and cults gather together with family and friends to celebrate the love and happiness we have as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a time usually filled with joy and happiness. Unfortunately, there are people who do not enjoy the holidays and even see it at a dismal time to be alive. Christmas and the holidays can bring many us together and can tear others apart. Family and friends who have been nearly beside themselves in joyful anticipating for the reunion with ones they cherish, others foresee these times as the unfortunate reunion with those who they may have avoiding for most of the year, whether it be because of differences in personality, opinion, or background. The holidays can bring on the most challenging of depressions. I do not mention these things to put a damper in the holiday spirit, but as acknowledgement of reality.
I can only assume that the reason I am able to see such things and discuss them in an unbiased point of view, is that I have experienced in my youth a hatred for the holiday season. Strong word I know. There was nothing I wanted more than escape the pressures of being surrounded by people I believed did not want my company. I guess it could be something of an inferiority complex that impeded my ability to properly interact with others. I don't know if anyone ever realized just how lonely and miserable I was surrounded by so many happy faces. I often spent most of the uncomfortable season cooking in the kitchen and mixing drinks. The more I did, the less time I would have to spend, awkwardly trying to make conversation with other, not knowing what to say. It was very difficult for me. But, I did become pretty good at cooking and mixing drinks although I probably seemed a little anti-social at times.
Things are not the same anymore. I better understand my person and who I want to be. It can be very difficult at times to have a positive outlook with those little demons in my head, trying to take control and send me into a reclusive state. But most times now, I am able to enjoy the company of others and find more joy than anguish during the holidays. I have decided to talk about this today because it is a reality. I understand that my situation differs from any other situation out there and that every person has his or her demons to try and conquer. There are those who have lost their loved ones; those who argue and cannot seem to reconcile; those who let their own insecurities take control of their person. The holidays can bring out both the best and, regrettably, the worst in people. But, even with all the sadness, there is joy and hope and to all I want to send this message for the Holidays.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Red Stripe!!!
That's right, over the weekend I passed my Red Stripe examination in Taekwondo. I am really happy with myself right now. Best of all, my wife has began Taekwondo and she just got her yellow belt...it's so much fun.
But the greated part of the day was the board breaking. I was one of the last ones to go up (both being a senior belt and being the biggest student) so most other students broke one board (a 3/4 inch board) when I came up, they set me up with two boards and I requested a third one. Well, with the surprise in their eyes, they granted my wish. I lined up for a side kick (I would have tried a back kick on two boards, but did not feel comfortable enough with my acuracy to attempt and break three boards) as they reinforced themselves in case I missed and BAM - I blew the freaking things to peices. I even shattered one into three peices...I was very pleased with myself...
anywho...just happy today.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Puppies and the Grey Cup

I'm hoping that the replacement bathtub shows up tomorrow. The original one that we purchased had a design flaw - the fiberglass coating was not evenly distributed and there is light that can go through the back of the tub like it was made of paper...freaking cheap ass tub. So Mirolin is sending a new tub, but it took two weeks to get here. So I'm gonna get on the horn with them and see if I can swing a deal for them to deliver it and swap the tub at my house. Cross your fingers.
The grey cup was awsome (for those who are curious) Vancouver is a spectacular city to party in (the fact that it was above 0C makes it nice) and the street parties were just spectacular. My wife and I went to the tent right next to BC place called party on the Pacific. It was huge, room for a couple thousand people easy. There was a huge stage with big screens on each side. The big screens were projections of the bands that were playing. They were local bands that had amazing talent that were playing a whole bunch of cover tunes!!! There were 3 bars serving draft beer and hard liquor. Never a line for the blue rockets (ample port-a-potties is always a nice thing) and the atmophere was just superb. What a great time.