What a stressful month November has been so far. My aunt passed away at the beginning of the month, my mother suffered an angina attack last week and I got so ill it escalated to bronchitis where I was coughing up blood! But this are finally looking up. The weather is looking good for a couple days with temperatures above freezing. My anti-biotics are doing their job and my cough is finally gone. But on a good note, the baby puppies (who are so cute) have just started opening their eyes! And my taekwondo is going better too and I've finally started going back to the gym after nearly a month off due to overtime and illness. I'm going to be going for my next belt promotion (red stripe need to do Tae Guk Yuk Jang) in December. Things are finally getting back to normal. And how do I know that things are really back to normal?!? Well, last night, after TKD, my wife and I had not yet had supper so I decided to make some homemade hamburgers, bacon mushroom and onion melts, right from scratch. Made the patties with ground bison meat and added onions and spices to them. I them fried them in a light beef broth to keep them moist. Then, I cooked up some maple bacon, sauteed some onions and mushrooms in butter.

Got all the condiments ready and pulle myself out a can of Coke. I think I got a little over-zealous cuz the patties were as thick as they were wide...hehe. But they were so good. I was barely even able to finish my burger! Here's a great picture of it.